0000266: [encoder] that have 2 error in jm18.0 (Karsten Suehring)
0000220: [decoder] assert of wrong condition which can result in assertion failed when multi-slice is used (Yuwen He)
0000283: [decoder] slice number not properly initialized (Yuwen He)
0000224: [decoder] "ref_pic" is wrong in dpb_split_field() when multi-slice is used (Yuwen He)
0000284: [encoder and decoder] Tempral direct MB AFF fails to map reference index (Yuwen He)
0000280: [decoder] JM conflict with H.264 spec when separate_colour_plane_flag=1 (Alexis Michael Tourapis)
0000282: [encoder and decoder] Temporal direct mode does not take field parity into account (Karsten Suehring)
0000225: [decoder] initial of "p_Vid->intra_block" based on "p_Vid->PicSizeInMbs" not calculated! (Karsten Suehring)
0000264: [encoder] can not support stereo videp? (Karsten Suehring)
0000279: [encoder] Encoder always generates VUI even EnableVUISupport is 0 in config file (Karsten Suehring)
0000165: [encoder] SubPelBlockMotionSearch comment field: pel or sub-pel? (Karsten Suehring)
0000191: [encoder] Bad stats regarding Intra coding (intraPredMode) (Karsten Suehring)
0000036: [encoder and decoder] ref_pic_id and ref_id should be unified (Alexis Michael Tourapis)
0000262: [encoder] IntraProfile = 1 error (Alexis Michael Tourapis)
0000176: [encoder] IntraProfile requires IDRPeriod>=1 (Alexis Michael Tourapis)
15 issues View Issues